AXIOTEK Case Story
Polymers, in all its variations, are widely used in the Pharmaceutical and Biomedical sector.
Seals and gaskets in vacuum pumps used in medical research – such as mass spectrometry -, are just two of many examples that require Shore hardness testing.
Being a manufacturer of such products means being able to guarantee high-end performance in terms of both quality and safety.
That’s why strict and constant production controls are implemented, which also apply to the choice of the ideal Shore hardness tester.
The customer’s production environment is based on a strict temperature control system that allows continuous monitoring of the specific viscoelastic properties of the processed elastomers.
In this framework, in order to ensure high repeatability and reproducibility of the tests in full compliance with the reference standards, we:
By doing so, the customer has the peace of mind that each indentation will be made under controlled and standardised conditions for each Shore A test cycle performed.
Taking into account the level of automation required, we can consider this as advanced customisation. Such requests normally only entail motorised solutions for the Z or Y axis, in order to allow the incorporation of the hardness tester in a continuous production line.
These are solutions that certainly speed up the test cycle, but do not consider the repeatability and reproducibility of the actual result.
Because speed does not always bring precision.
And this is exactly what the customer aspired to: to have both.
Discover our range of latest generation Shore products