Use your portable hardness tester, either analogue or electronic, with one of our bench top stands. You will enjoy maximum repeatability and accuracy in your Shore hardness tests.
All this thanks to the correct orthogonality between the indenter and the sample being tested, the uniformity in the application of the force and the control system ensuring appropriate positioning of the stand on the workbench.
All our bench top stands are in compliance with international standards, including ISO 48-4 e ASTM D2240, ISO 868 and ISO 21509.
Just one bench top stand for all Shore hardness scales: Our system with addition and removal of calibrated masses allows you to use the same stand for all the Shore hardness tests, from the 5 kg for the D method, to 400 g for the OOO method.
Here is our range of bench top stands for your portable shore hardness tester: the manual DX136 version and the motorized DX835 version.
Simple and suitable for all needs: this is DX 136, our manual bench top stand compatible with your analogue or electronic Shore portable hardness tester.
Designed to eliminate human influence when performing tests always ensuring all the comfort you need. The Shore hardness tester is in fact easily mountable and removable from the bench support, which can be used simply by pressing the lever.
Go to the Portable shore page, here you will find the right solution you are looking for.
We are the only company in the Italian market that produces personally the entire range of Shore hardness testers in all the scales required by ISO 48-4, ASTM D2240, ISO 868 and ISO 21509.
Our most demanding customers want maximum precision, speed and automation in their Shore hardness testing. And our DX 835 was conceived just for that.
Not only does it eliminates human influence when performing tests, but it can also ensure high repeatability of results thanks to the electronic control of the descend speed.