Hardness test blocks (also known as hardness reference plates) are frequently used to verify the accuracy of the values measured by the hardness tester.
PLEASE REMIND:if you need to put adhesives and/or other types of tags on the hardness test blocks, apply them laterally – paying attention not to cover the labelling engraved by the manufacturer.
Applying tags below means altering the lower surface of the block and, as a consequence, interfering with the measurement of the indentation. Nevertheless, this does not concern some of our instruments that, thanks to a pioneering patent, guarantee trustworthy results even under these testing conditions.
Obviously, the upper surface and the lower surface shall be both free: not just free of tags, but also of notches, scratches, rust, etc
Reference to ISO 6508-3 standard, section 3.5:
“The test surface and lower surface shall be free from damage, such as notches, scratches, oxide layers, etc., which can interfere with the measurement of the indentations.”
To have technical support, to renew your consumed range of test blocks or for any further need.