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Become part of metrology 4.0


The certainty of having everything unquestionably under control.
That’s the added value of having an accredited calibration.

The calibration is an attested operation that indicates when your hardness tester is positively inserted in the metrological traceability chain, in full respect of the admitted tolerances and uncertainties.

You’ll have in your hands an internationally recognized document with a legal standing.

We talk about a precious plus in your production, for your customers as well as for your suppliers. That’s because in one hand you can give to your customers an added value in terms of quality controls; on the other hand, you can have the certainty that the materials imported by your suppliers have the requested quality.


ACCREDIA is the institution designated by the Italian government and internationally recognized that attests the competence and impartiality of the calibration centers.

It deals with an essential certification for those who want to have high quality standards in their company.  We are indeed accredited by the ISO 17025 standard which guarantees a full satisfaction of the well-known ISO 9001 standard. Click here to discover more ( )

Why choosing to have an accredited calibration

You’ll have in your hands an internationally recognized document with a legal standing, that is in full compliance with the standards of the scales you have chosen to calibrate.

So that to have an added value to offer to your customers in terms of quality controls.

So that to be sure about the quality of the material you have bought from your suppliers.

How many times do you have to calibrate your hardness tester?

The ISO standards suggest to check with regularity any type of hardness tester (portable as well as bench stand), regardless of the hardness test type (HB, HV or HR), especially when it is often used. Generally speaking, we suggest to calibrate it annually.

How does it work?

  • Our calibration certificates are available for any kind of hardness tester brand
  • Our operations cover the foreign countries as well as the whole Italy.
  • We are able to calibrate Vickers, Brinell and Rockwell hardness tests.

Once we have agreed to an appointment, our technicians will come directly to your company for the calibration of your hardness tester, following the hardness scales we agreed on.

Our laboratory will give you the calibration certificate, both in paper and digital. We inform you that, for safekeeping your privacy, your personal data will be treated according to the art. 5 of the EU Regulation 2016/679.

The “remember me” service is always included. Once you’ll receive your certificate, you won’t have to worry about the expiration date: we’ll contact you personally.  

Here are the Accredited hardness scales that we offer you:

Choose the calibration that fits you better

For every scale that you’re going to test, we can do two different kinds of calibration:

taratura con verifica diretta

Direct calibration

this is the most accurate calibration test, because it checks each sensor involved in defining the hardness, such as the reliability of the forces, the accuracy and the precision of the test cycle in compliance with the tolerations.

taratura con verifica indiretta

indirect calibration

the hardness tester performance can be checked by using an accredited specimen.

Metrology Care always by your side

Do you have any questions about interpreting the values written on the certificate? You can call us, and we will clear together every doubt.

This is something very important for us, both during the pre-calibration and the post-calibration phases: overcome any problems or simple initial doubts together is what really allows you to have a constant and continuous support by your side.